CHA Newsletters

Dear Reader

We are am delighted to make available to all those who have lived in Churchill Hall, the CHA-The-Churchillian-Summer-2024

We do hope you enjoy reading the latest news from your Hall and that you enjoyed the Alunmi Weekend in August.

With best wishes,

David Clarke

Chair, Churchill Hall Association


(Please go to bottom of page for historical newsletters courtesy of Thomas W. Cohen)


CHA The Churchillian Summer 2022


Churchill_Hall_Newsletter_Summer 2020


CHA The Churchillian 2018 -2019

CHA The Churchillian 2017-2018

The Churchillian 2016-2017 – This newsletter includes an article about our 60th anniversary dinner

The-Churchillian 2015-2016

The Churchillian 2014-2015

The Churchillian 2012-2013

The Churchillian 2011-2012

Tributes to Alan Reynolds 1910-1991

1988 Newsletter

1987 Newsletter

1985 Newsletter

Historical Documents courtesy of Thomas W. Cohen

CHA 1972

Newsletter Special Edition June 1971

CHA 1970

CHA 1969

CHA 1968

CHA 1967

CHA 1966

CHA 1964

CHA 1963

CHA 1961